Tools for IT Modernization
Modernizing legacy IT systems to sync with cloud solutions is a monumental task for federal CIOs. Tools such as NIST guidelines, the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF), and industry partnerships provide a customizable roadmap for federal agencies on their IT modernization journey. Hear from civilian and defense IT leaders about what IT modernization tools they’re prioritizing in 2023.
Felipe Fernandez CTO, Fortinet Federal
Sheena Burrell CIO, NARA
Kurt DelBene Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and CIO, VA
Raj Iyer Former CIO, U.S. Army
Joshua Jacobs Senior Advisor for Policy, Performing the Delegable Duties of the Under Secretary for Benefits, VA
Denis McDonough Secretary, VA
Feds Prioritize Open-Source Software Security Initiatives
With the first open-source office established at CMS, a White House-led open-source group aims to advance many other initiatives in 2025.
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How AI Will Continue to Advance Biometric Tech
At Identity Week, Arun Vemury discussed how error rates in facial recognition have dropped over the past decade thanks to machine learning.
12m listen -
TSA is Innovating Digital Identity Solutions with AI
At Identity Week, Jason Lim talked about the ways that digital identity is changing the way people travel securely.
10m listen -
New White House Roadmap Looks to Secure Internet Routing
The plan outlines next steps in strengthening cybersecurity in the Border Gateway Protocol, a foundational part of the internet.
4m read