AI Gov
A discussion with federal executives and tech-minded members of Congress on how artificial intelligence and complex data analytics are improving the delivery of government services in agencies dedicated to medical research, health care and national security.

Speakers / Panelists
Michael Hoffman President GovernmentCIO Media & Research
Hear how Congress is helping guide the oversight and management of AI research within the federal government, shaping the usage of new technologies to better serve the American public.
Speakers / Panelists
Rep. Haley Stevens Chairwoman House Subcommittee on Research & Technology
Moderator: Michael Hoffman President GovernmentCIO Media & Research
Innovation-focused agencies are researching, developing and implementing AI tools focused on making the best use of new technologies to maintain America’s competitive edge and improve the efficiency of the federal government as a whole.
Speakers / Panelists
Taka Ariga Chief Data Scientist and Director of the Innovation Lab GAO
Bryan Lane AI Lead, IT Modernization Centers Of Excellence GSA
Landon Van Dyke Chief Technology Officer for the Office of Management, Strategy & Solutions Department of State
Moderator: Melissa Harris Staff Writer/Researcher GovernmentCIO Media & Research
AI and complex data analytics are pushing the frontiers of medical research and diagnostics while improving the treatment and detection of disease. Panelists will discuss how new methodologies are leading to better patient outcomes, as well as how data analytics are allowing for better insights into complex medical conditions.
Speakers / Panelists
Dr. Gil Alterovitz Director, National Artificial Intelligence Center VA
Dr. Moshe Levi Interim Dean for Research Georgetown University
Moderator: David Chandler Vice President GovernmentCIO
Data is a critical asset for identifying threats to various aspects of national security, including pathological and environmental threats, warfare, homeland security and intelligence matters. How are officials within the national security space applying artificial intelligence to data to make quick insights and decisions to protect the country?
Speakers / Panelists
Jill Crisman Principal Director for Artificial Intelligence, R&E DOD
Brian Gattoni CTO CISA
Jim Richberg Public Sector CISO Fortinet
Daniela Rus Computer Science and AI Lab Director, MIT and Member Defense Innovation Board
Moderator: Ray Lo Presti Senior Solutions Architect GovernmentCIO
Defense leaders are advocating for expanded uses and support for artificial intelligence to streamline workflows, enable cyber resiliency and keep America at a competitive and strategic advantage on the global scale. Defense leaders outline recommendations for Congress and the White House to act upon over the next decade.
Speakers / Panelists
Lt. Gen. Michael Groen Director, JAIC DOD
Yll Bajraktari Executive Director National Security Commission on AI
Moderator: Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovernmentCIO Media & Research
Speakers / Panelists
Michael Hoffman President GovernmentCIO Media & Research
Dr. Gil Alterovitz Director, National Artificial Intelligence Institute, VA
Taka Ariga Chief Data Scientist and Director of the Innovation Lab, GAO
Yll Bajraktari Executive Director, National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Jill Crisman Principal Director for AI, R&E, DOD
Brian Gattoni CTO, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, DHS
Lt. Gen. Michael Groen Director, Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, DOD
Bryan Lane Artificial Intelligence Lead, IT Modernization Centers of Excellence, GSA
Dr. Moshe Levi Interim Dean for Research, Georgetown University
Jim Richberg Public Sector CISO, Fortinet
Daniela Rus Computer Science and AI Lab Director, MIT, and Member, Defense Innovation Board
Rep. Haley Stevens Chairwoman, House Subcommittee on Research & Technology
Landon Van Dyke CTO, Office of Management, Strategy & Solutions, State Department