Supply Chain
Security Strategies For Critical Infrastructure, Connected Devices
Federal cybersecurity leaders are seeking to protect critical assets through supply chain security and new standards.
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New DHS CIO Tackles Supply Chain Risk Management, Interoperability
The Department of Homeland Security is in the process of setting up a supply chain risk management office to report to the chief information security officer, DHS CIO Eric Hysen told GovernmentCIO Media & Research.
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DHS Cyber Leaders Say Biden Cyber Order is a Long-Term Roadmap
Department of Homeland Security cyber leaders see President Joe Biden’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity as the beginning of a “journey” to develop more comprehensive, consistent cybersecurity strategies at federal agencies.
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How CISA's COVID-19 Task Force Protected Hospitals and the Vaccine Supply Chain
With surges in cyber crime, leaders from across government came together to help both public and private organizations develop cyber strategies.
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Securing Medical Devices and the Software Supply Chain
FDA is tackling security measures for the health technologies it regulates.
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Overhauling IT Supply Chains to Secure Federal Agencies
Amid growing cybersecurity concerns, it will take more than legislation to prevent risks in the supply chain.
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Supply Chain Security With Atlantic Council's Trey Herr
Agencies should include digital tools in all supply chain security strategies amid growing emerging tech.
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Securing the Supply Chain Takes Coordinated Effort
Federal agencies are working together to secure the IT supply chain.
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VA Pandemic Supply Chain With VA's Deb Kramer and Andrew Centineo
Applying data analytics to predicting and preventing the shortage of vital medical equipment.
13m listen