A Look at the Better Contracting Initiative to Improve How Government Buys Tech
GSA leader Laura Staunton discusses next steps for the initiative and its goal to ultimately improve acquisition.
The White House’s Better Contracting Initiative aims to ensure the federal government is getting the best prices on services through acquisition.
The government spent more than $77 billion dollars on federal IT contracting last year, so saving money for government and ultimately taxpayers is among one of the initiative’s top priorities.
Laura Stanton, assistant commissioner for the Office of Information Technology Category at the General Service Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service, discusses the next phase of the initiative and how it will impact the IT contracting landscape in the long run.
Laura Stanton Assistant Commissioner, Office of Information Technology Category, Federal Acquisition Service GSA
The Security and UX Standards That Power Digital Identity Programs
Live from Identity Week, Ryan Galluzzo discusses the latest draft of NIST's Digital Identity Guidelines for the identity-proofing process.
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GSA Cloud Chief Talks FedRAMP 2.0, Automation Hub
Eric Mill shares how a new pilot will inform continuous assessments plus more on software development resources and generative AI.
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Boosting the Public Sector Cybersecurity Workforce
Cyber association professional Tara Wisniewski spoke about skills-based hiring in cybersecurity and what government can do about it.
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NIST Center Helps Translate Cyber Standards into Practice
Interagency agreements and the collaboration model at the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence advance cybersecurity.
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