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AFCEA West: How the Marine Corps is Securing the Future Battlefield

Gaurang Dävé, CTO, Marine Corps Systems Command

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Dave Guarang speaking at AFCEA West

The Marine Corps is modernizing its systems to keep pace with rapidly evolving technology while centering warfighters.

During AFCEA West in San Diego, California, Marine Corps Systems Command Cyber Technology Officer Gaurang Dävé said that innovation requires speed in delivering capabilities to the warfighter. Dävé highlighted that Marines act as sensors in the battlespace, needing the best information in real-time for informed decision-making.

Dävé also discussed the Marine Corps’ approach of containerized, modular applications and the service’s collaborative work with the Army’s software factory in Austin, Texas, that allows Marines to code applications and receive hands-on training in innovative technology.

View more coverage from the conference.

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