CyberScape: National Security
Cybersecurity is increasingly becoming synonymous with national security. As we become more connected, integrate technology into our infrastructure, and work to ensure our supply chains are secure, we’ll talk to leaders working toward securing our nation in this CyberScape event.

Speakers / Panelists
Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovCIO Media & Research
Speakers / Panelists
Keith Nakasone Federal Strategist VMWare
Moderator Kate Macri Staff Writer/Researcher GovCIO Media & Research
Cybersecurity and national security are increasingly intertwined concepts as digitization and IT modernization accelerate across federal agencies. Hear how federal cyber and national security leaders can work together to protect our nation’s critical infrastructure and IT systems.
Speakers / Panelists
Chris Inglis National Cyber Director Executive Office of the President
Moderator Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovCIO Media & Research
Speakers / Panelists
Patrick Gorman Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton
Moderator Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovCIO Media & Research
President Biden’s cyber EO, signed in May, demands some big changes from federal agencies. Hear from federal cyber leaders about how federal agencies can accelerate their cloud migration and security strategies, implement zero trust architectures, and take control of their software supply chains per the order’s recommendations.
Speakers / Panelists
Brian Conrad Acting Director FedRAMP
Morey Haber Chief Security Officer BeyondTrust
John Simms Senior Technical Advisor, Office of the CTO CISA
Moderator Jackie Medina Director GovCIO
Speakers / Panelists
Craig Heartwell CTO Presidio Federal
Moderator Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovCIO Media & Research
Our nation’s critical infrastructure is a top national security priority for federal cyber leaders. Officials from DOD, DHS and NASA will discuss how they’re working together to protect critical infrastructure systems and keep the nation’s wheels turning in the event of cyber incidents.
Speakers / Panelists
Lance Cleghorn Digital Services Expert Defense Digital Service
Matthew Swenson Chief, Cyber Crime Unit Homeland Security Investigations
Mike Witt Associate Chief Information Officer for Cybersecurity & Privacy NASA
Moderator Kate Macri Staff Writer/Researcher GovCIO Media & Research
Speakers / Panelists
Gram Slingbaum Solutions Engineer CyberArk
With 5G infrastructure and connectivity just around the corner, the Internet-of-Things faces increased scrutiny. IoT underpins much of our critical infrastructure and requires unique cyber attention. Speakers for this panel include officials from the DOJ, NSA, and NIST, who can all speak to IoT security and its national security ramifications.
Speakers / Panelists
Sean Frazier Federal CSO Okta
Katerina Megas Program Manager, Cybersecurity for IoT NIST
Section Chief, Cyber Quality Service Management Office CISA
Moderator Melissa Harris Staff Witer/Researcher GovCIO Media & Research
Speakers / Panelists
Amy Kluber Editorial Director GovCIO Media & Research
Lance Cleghorn Digital Services Expert, Defense Digital Service
Brian Conrad Acting Director, FedRAMP
Sean Frazier Federal CSO, Okta
Patrick Gorman Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton
Morey Haber Chief Security Officer, BeyondTrust
Craig Heartwell CTO, Presidio Federal
Chris Inglis National Cyber Director,, Executive Office of the President
Katerina Megas Program Manager, Cybersecurity for IoT,, NIST
Keith Nakasone Senior Federal Strategist, GEH, VMWare
John Simms Senior Technical Advisor, Office of the CTO, CISA
Gram Slingbaum Solutions Engineer, CyberArk
Section Chief, Cyber Quality Service Management Office, CISA
Matthew Swenson Chief, Cyber Crime Unit, Homeland Security Investigations
Mike Witt Associate CIO, Cybersecurity & Privacy, NASA