Data Sharing in Response to COVID-19
Federal agencies have quickly adapted processes amid the response to COVID-19, and the government contracting community is looking ahead at how it will change or adapt in the future.
Technology is coming into increasing focus for both combatting the virus and supporting the tech-dependent environment that comes with increased telework. At the heart of these efforts is data sharing and the processing capabilities that come with data analytics, like artificial intelligence or machine learning. Government leaders discuss how they’re thinking about these technologies right now and in the future for their agencies.

Alan Constantian Senior Advisor,, VA
Pat Flanders CIO,, Defense Health Agency
Amy Kluber Managing Editor,, GovCIO Media & Research
Andrew McClenahan Solutions Architect, Federal Civilian Markets,, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Dr. Paul Tibbits Executive Director, Office of Technical Integration,, VA
Bill Tinston Program Executive Officer, , Defense Healthcare Management Systems
Jason Windsor Chief Health Information Officer,, GovCIO