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AI Gov Series: Future of RPA Recap

The AI Gov Series, Future of RPA, virtual event screen is displayed on a laptop in a home office

Robotic process automation has the potential to streamline business processes, reduce manual and time-intensive labor and drive efficiencies across the enterprise. This event strives to examine how smart RPA applications are increasing productivity and driving federal agency missions forward, from medical research and development to acquisition processes to IT maintenance.

The AI Gov Series, Future of RPA, virtual event screen is displayed on a laptop in a home office
Session Recordings

The State of Federal RPA

AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - The State of Federal RPA Panel

GovernmentCIOMedia President Michael Hoffman interviews Gerard Badorrek, CFO at the General Services Administration (GSA) regarding the current state of robotic process automation (RPA) and its various implementations across the federal government.

  • Gerard Badorrek, CFO, GSA
  • Moderator: Michael Hoffman, President, GovCIO Media & Research
AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - The State of Federal RPA Panel

Getting to Better Business Processes with RPA

AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - Getting to Better Business Processes with RPA Panel

Erin Mirsky of GovernmentCIO speaks with Carrie Lee (VA), Harrison Smith (IRS), and Erica Thomas (DOD). They discussed how heavily manual processes cost federal agencies many hours and dollars. Fortunately, officials are looking to automate business manual processes to drive efficiency and productivity across their organizations. This panel will discuss those opportunities for RPA applications to improve internal processes and mission across the federal space.

  • Carrie Lee, Senior Technical Advisor, Project Special Forces, DevSecOps, Office of Information and Technology, VA
  • Harrison Smith, Co-Director, Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management Office, IRS
  • Erica Thomas, RPA Program Manager, DOD
  • Moderator: Erin Mirsky, Senior Vice President, GovCIO
AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - Getting to Better Business Processes with RPA Panel

Fireside Chat: Krista Kinnard

AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - GFireside Chat: Krista Kinnard

Watch our Fireside Chat interview with Krista Kinnard, the Emerging Technology branch chief at the Department of Labor. Moderated by Jackie Medina, Director, Digital at GovernmentCIO.

  • Krista Kinnard, Branch Chief, Emerging Technology, Department of Labor
  • Moderator: Jackie Medina, Director, Digital, GovCIO
AI Gov Series: Future of RPA - GFireside Chat: Krista Kinnard
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