Deep Dives
A Deep Dive reflects key technology priorities in the federal government with in-depth feature articles, interviews with leading subject matter experts, and infographics presented in a compelling visual format, all of which you can quickly absorb and apply to your own work or use to inform new modernization initiatives. Topics include cybersecurity, emerging technology, and IT modernization efforts across civilian, defense, and health agencies.
How Protecting Data Builds Cyber Resiliency
Government agencies produce increasing amounts of data each day, with gigabytes of information being transmitted and stored in cloud-based environments.
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The Future of AI at the Defense Department
To maintain its competitive edge, the Defense Department is exploring artificial intelligence across the enterprise.
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Meeting Zero Trust Goals in Government
Agencies are learning new ways to implement zero trust ahead of administration goals.
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Federal Tech Chiefs Highlight Evolving Priorities
Leaders from NARA, VA, FEMA, Coast Guard and FDA share how IT and cybersecurity transformation is playing out.
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Building Cyber Resiliency in Federal Systems
Constructing strong networks and systems is imperative for government agencies. With more resilient systems, agencies will be able to continue operating and bounce back quickly if a security breach occurs.
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Tactics in Federal Cyber Incident Reporting
The rise in high-profile data and security breaches has led to prioritization of cyber incident response and reporting for the public and private sectors. Learn how agencies are deploying new tools and strategies to address cybersecurity breaches.
Connectivity Drives Future of Defense
The Defense Department is strategizing new operating concepts ahead of future joint force operations.
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Executive Orders Impact Government Tech
Agencies are adjusting to White House priorities on AI, Cybersecurity and the digital customer service.
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Federal IT Trends in 2023, Outlook for 2024
Look back at 2023 IT trends and what they mean for the 2024 tech landscape.
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The Future of Implementing Zero Trust
Cybersecurity threats are ongoing against government assets and networks, while recent threats have highlighted the challenges of ensuring effective cyber defenses.
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Implementing CJADC2 at the Defense Department
Implementing the Defense Department's Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) concept will require major development and modernization across enterprise systems, data management and security in each of the military services. The services are all working to implement CJADC2 in different ways and across different systems.
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The Building Blocks of Federal AI
Artificial intelligence presents potential breakthroughs for government agencies not seen since the internet was first introduced.
15m read