Adam Patterson
Staff Writer
Adam Patterson is a former staff writer at GovCIO Media & Research, who was responsible for covering developments in federal technology.
Technically focused wings of the federal government have begun investing in the computational resources needed to sort and analyze large quantities of complex data.
Health care leader brings experience overseeing large-scale care networks and policymaking to his role as VA’s highest-ranking medical official.
The agency is looking provide critical support and training to resolve issues in electronic health records.
As public sector organizations modernize, leadership ensures sophisticated IT enterprises facilitate data sharing that advances their core missions.
Public sector organizations have begun working on human capital strategies designed to support a more diverse and engaged workforce.
The agency is using its modernized enterprise to better oversee the allocation of funding for its various programs.
HHS, CMS and VA have spoken out about recent Supreme Court rulings concerning Roe v. Wade.
Focus on addressing prior lapses in services and care access have led to increasing veteran satisfaction.
The agency will review the Cerner platform to ensure readiness and reliability.
Refining and reviewing data models is essential for impactful application of artificial intelligence.
The agency is broadly redesigning its public-facing applications to be more efficient and user-friendly.
'Mission Daybreak' is allocating $20 million toward mental health and suicide prevention efforts.