How TMF is Helping Agencies Accelerate Tech Modernization
The program launched a new AI pilot to expedite TMF applications as agency leaders urge more to consider applying for funds.
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Federal Shared Services Need More Governance
Agencies including NARA, Commerce and State are tackling longstanding issues around shadow IT and decentralized systems.
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The Future of Federal Case Management Modernization
EEOC, NARA and VA are accelerating case management modernization to prepare for the digital future.
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New Tools Put CMS, EPA on Fast Track to Going Paperless
The CMS and EPA roll out new tools to help transition from paper to electronic records in the wake of the looming M-19-21 deadline.
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NARA Weighs Records Digitization Deadline Extension Toward 'Zero Click' Goal
The agency's chief records officer is ramping up electronic records management amid an approaching deadline.
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NARA's Path to a Paperless Government Puts Cloud First
Automation, eDiscovery and cloud are improving records management in digital environments.
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NARA Previews Next Few Years of Records Digitization
Through its strategic plan, the agency is embracing strategies to embrace a fully digital government.
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Federal Agencies Transitioning to Electronic Records: What to Expect in 2022
Agencies must meet new electronic record targets in 2022, as part of a move to a “paperless government.”
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Cyber Leaders Embrace New Draft Zero Trust Guidance
Agency leaders are pushing forth on security strategies for zero trust architecture amid new guidance.
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Inside One DHS Office's Journey to Electronic Records Management
Transitioning from paper record-keeping to electronic is a key component across federal IT modernization strategies, but aligning the budget to the effort has been a challenging hurdle.
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Inside NOAA’s Plan to Digitize Acquisitions and Grants Records by 2022
NOAA is pushing ahead in digitization efforts to meet OMB M-19-21 electronic records requirements.
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