Nagesh Rao, Director of Business Technology Solutions, SBA
Taking risks on small companies to drive technological innovation.
30m listen -
Jen Sovada, Head of Talent Management, Air Force ISR
Recruiting and retaining talent amid a changing technological landscape.
25m listen -
Andrew Underhill, CTO, GovernmentCIO
GovernmentCIO is ahead of the curve in transforming government IT.
41m listen -
Angela Colter, Acting Executive Director, 18F
Processing user needs should be any organization's foundation.
27m listen -
Dr. Stacey Dixon, Director, IARPA
Highlighting the positives and negatives to new technology in research programs.
31m listen -
Dr. Neil Evans, Chief Officer of Connected Care at the Veterans Health Administration
Using digital health technologies to improve services to veterans by increasing access to care.
26m listen -
Charles Worthington, CTO, Veterans Affairs
Modernizing the VA's digital products and relaunching the VA.gov website.
40m listen -
Sezin Palmer, Mission Area Executive for National Health at JHU Applied Physics Lab
Using engineering to revolutionize health IT.
32m listen -
Steve Blank, Entrepreneur, Founder of the Lean Startup Movement
Teaching entrepreneurship based on experiences in Silicon Valley.
60m listen -
Justin Herman, Emerging Citizen Technology Office Lead, GSA
GSA's Justin Herman helps agencies navigate blockchain and and still finds time to build his own tuk-tuk.
45m listen -
Grant Schneider, U.S. Chief Information Security Officer
Cloud needs to be considered a piece of critical infrastructure that must be protected.
37m listen -
Karen Evans, Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity, Department of Energy
Discussing the role of DoE in responding to cyber and natural disasters.
38m listen