DHA Sees Tech Helping Create 'Person-Centered' Health Care
DHA leaders said the agency is better serving patients through the use of partnerships and innovation.
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Modernizing the Federal Electronic Health Record
The goal of the single, common federal EHR is to enhance patient care and provider effectiveness through digital health records that are interoperable across government.
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Federal Agencies Leveraging Data to Promote Equity and Improve Critical Services
As public sector organizations modernize, leadership ensures sophisticated IT enterprises facilitate data sharing that advances their core missions.
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HHS, CMS, DHA Initiatives Prioritize Patient Accessibility
The health agencies celebrated their progress at the annual FedHealthIT Innovation Awards and eyed future advancements in patient accessibility, IT efficiency and research.
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Fed Health IT Officials Highlight 2022 Priorities
Smarter modernization, data, automation, as well as customer and digital services will see the spotlight in 2022.
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Military Administers 2.5 Million COVID-19 Vaccines, Addresses Funding
Leaders across DOD are continuing COVID-19 response efforts, but are projecting shortfalls from additional expenses.
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'As-a-Service' Models Key to Improving Agencies' Customer Experience
Federal IT leaders are modernizing their IT infrastructure with multi-cloud environments, “as-a-service” approaches and other ways of iteratively updating systems to deliver more seamless and improved delivery for the customer experience.
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AI Partnerships Are Improving Defense Health, Business, Disaster Aid
The Defense Innovation Unit is incorporating commercial artificial intelligence at agencies across the Defense Department to improve military health, business processes, humanitarian aid and a variety of other areas across DOD.
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DHA's Consolidated MTF Network Focuses on Security Architecture, Efficiency
The Defense Health Agency is working to integrate and consolidate a variety of networks and systems across military treatment facilities (MTFs) as it continues to absorb the various military hospitals and clinics across the defense health space.
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Cooperation with Security is Crucial in Delivering Health Care
Cybersecurity does not have to be an impediment to delivering efficient health care if security professionals are incorporated much earlier in the development process...
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MHS Genesis Making Waves Beyond Initial Operating Capability
The military's new electronic health record program, MHS Genesis, has moved beyond rollout at initial operating capability sites and will begin rollout in the “Travis Wave” (named for Travis Air Force Base, one of the first bases in the wave) Sept. 7.
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