How TMF is Helping Agencies Accelerate Tech Modernization
The program launched a new AI pilot to expedite TMF applications as agency leaders urge more to consider applying for funds.
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How Agencies are Justifying Budget Growth in AI, Zero Trust
IT leaders stressed the importance of understanding user knowledge and needs when prioritizing cybersecurity projects.
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Federal CIO Encourages Government to 'Speed Up' Tech Adoption
Technology leaders across government gathered to discuss top IT modernization priorities during DOL’s Federal Tech Day, which included AI and cybersecurity.
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TMF is Helping CIOs Refresh Websites, Modernize Immigration Processes
The Technology Modernization Fund is unlocking new tech initiatives as CIOs juggle competing priorities and budgets.
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Tools to Improve the Federal Customer Experience
Hear how GSA and Maximus are driving targeted, practical IT improvements to enhance customer experience.
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Army to Invest Half a Billion Dollars in Critical Infrastructure
The Technology Modernization Fund will support the Army’s Infrastructure Cyber Protection project, which will protect and modernize the Army’s critical Infrastructure.
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The Future of Federal Case Management Modernization
EEOC, NARA and VA are accelerating case management modernization to prepare for the digital future.
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Army CIO Releases Updated Data, Cloud Plans
The service is moving away from being network focused to being data centric.
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Labor CIO Prioritizes CX as Center of Digital Transformation
Gundeep Ahluwalia said CX should be “baked into the cake,” not the “icing on top.”
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Technology Modernization Fund Leaders Address Fund’s Progress, Future
Rep. Gerry Connolly and CIO Clare Martorana discuss recent changes to TMF and future priorities for the program.
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Federal CIO's Three Priorities for the IT Community
Clare Martorana wants to focus on cybersecurity, technology modernization and improved services to the American public.
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Can the TMF Help Agencies Improve FITARA Scores?
Federal CIO Clare Martorana is calling for prioritized cybersecurity improvements and increased support for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) in order for agencies to push forward with IT modernization amid overall stagnant scores across the latest FITARA scorecard.
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