IT modernization
EHR Interoperability and Emerging Tech in Focus at HHS
The Department of Health and Human Services has been working to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens using advanced technology toward giving patients easy access to their electronic health records, Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan highlighted Tuesday.
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Health Care Spotlighted in State of the Union Address
President Trump noted several areas of accomplishments, including VA reforms and research efforts.
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Container Technology Strategy Hints at Change Management Across Government
Container technology — developing and packaging software with all of its related components so that it has a standardized deployment across all systems and servers — is not a new concept in IT, but has recently gained broad traction across enterprises in both the public and private sector.
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HHS Charts Path to Efficiency Through Software Asset Management
The Department of Health and Human Services’ policy for Software Asset Management is one of the key ways that the agency is meeting legislative and executive mandates to modernize and drive efficiency into IT category management challenges.
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State Department Plans to Modernize Diplomatic Posts Around the World
A new State Department IT strategy will "accelerate the pace of diplomacy" across the agency's global posts, CIO Stuart McGuigan said Tuesday.
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Federal Agencies Now Have New Web Design Guidelines
To make modernization easier, the General Services Administration developed the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) as a standardized platform for agencies to design modern websites.
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DHA Calls on Industry to 'Make IT Boring Again'
Top leadership at the Defense Health Agency want industry partners to "make IT boring again" by being anything but boring.
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Alycia Yozzi, GSA Analyst and CIO Council Senior Advisor
The CIO Council is a forum of federal CIOs to improve IT practices across government.
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Congressman Gerry Connolly, U.S. House of Representatives
Connolly is responsible for shaping government-wide policy for a broad range of issues, including federal workforce and agency oversight, procurement and information policy, and more.
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GSA's Schedule Consolidation Effort on Track to Streamline Acquisition
GSA MAS Program Director Stephanie Shutt breaks down MAS Consolidation efforts and next steps.
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Ed Simcox, Chief Technology Officer, HHS
We dive into some of HHS' tech initiatives that improve public health like KidneyX.
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Coding It Forward Offers College Students Meaningful Work in Federal IT
Coding it Forward, a student-started nonprofit organization, is empowering young technologists to bring about impactful social change in the federal government.
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